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Operation of reading and writing Flash in STM3210XX

Operation of reading and writing Flash in STM3210XX

Operation of reading and writing Flash in STM3210XX

The programming tool is Keil uVision5.

Some settings need to be saved when the machine is powered off. At this time, the settings should be written to Flash and read out when necessary.

Actual code:

uint32_ t ReadFromFlashOneWord(uint32_t Addr){

//Read a word from Flash (half a word)

uint32_ t HData,LData;// Define high and low data

HData=(__IO uint16_t)Addr;

LData=(__IO uint16_t)(Addr+2);

return (HData<<16)+LData;


uint16_ t ReadFromFlashHalfWord(uint32_t Addr){

//Read 32-bit byte data and return 16-bit data

return (__IO uint16_t)Addr;


void ReadFromFlashMultipleWord(uint32_t StartAddr,uint16_t ReadData,uint16_t Count){

uint16_ t i;




void WriteToFlashOneWord(uint32_t StartAddr,uint32_t WriteData){

//Write a word to the address specified by Flash

HAL_ FLASH_ Unlock();


FLASH_ EraseInitTypeDef EraseInitStrut;

EraseInitStrut.TypeErase=FLASH_ TYPEERASE_ PAGES;



//Set Page Error

uint32_ t PageError=0;


HAL_ FLASHEx_ Erase(&EraseInitStrut,&PageError);

//Write Flash

HAL_ FLASH_ Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD,StartAddr,WriteData);

//Lock Flash

HAL_ FLASH_ Lock();


Read and write test:

uint32_ t TestData=0x12345678;

uint32_ t TestAddr=0x0800F000; // Write Flash


HAL_ Delay (100);

//uint16_ t OutData;

uint8_ t HData1,HData2,LData1,LData2;

HData1= (uint8_t)(TestData>>24);

HData2= (uint8_t)(TestData>>16);

LData1= (uint8_t)(TestData>>8);



Send_ Buffer[61]=HData1;

Send_ Buffer[62]=HData2;

Send_ Buffer[63]=LData1;

Send_ Buffer[64]=LData2;

HAL_ UART_ Transmit(&hlpuart1,Send_Buffer,70,10);
