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STM32C0 series MCU released by STF Semiconductor ST enables cost-sensitive 8-bit applications to enjoy 32-bit performance

STM32C0 series MCU released by STF Semiconductor ST enables cost-sensitive 8-bit applications to enjoy 32-bit performance

STM32C0 series MCU released by STF Semiconductor ST enables cost-sensitive 8-bit applications to enjoy 32-bit performance

The STM32C0 series of STM32 microcontroller (MCU) products with the highest cost performance in the STM32 microcontroller (MCU) product family has been launched by the semiconductor company Italy France Semiconductor to reduce the entry threshold of STM32 for developers.

There are billions of intelligent industrial, medical and consumer products using STM32 MCU in the world. STM32 has thousands of existing product models, enabling product designers to always choose products with moderate price and satisfactory functions and performance.

At the same time of ensuring supply, STM32C0 series of new STM32C0 is positioned in household appliances, industrial pumps, fans, smoke detectors and other products and equipment that usually use 8-bit and 16-bit MCU. The STM32C0 next-generation 32-bit design improves product performance and functions, such as faster response speed, additional functions and network connectivity, while maintaining a similar total cost and power consumption. At the same time, the simplicity of entry-level products, combined with the powerful free support ecosystem, rich tools, software packages and other resources, as well as communication opportunities with various developer communities, has lowered the threshold for new users to enter the 32-bit world.

Daniel Colonna, the marketing director of STM32, said: "The MCU for the next generation of intelligent electrical appliances and industrial control equipment must meet the characteristics of simplicity and ease of use, competitive price, and guaranteed supply. Our new product STM32C0 universal entry-level MCU fully meets these needs, supplemented by the additional advantages brought by the strong STM32 ecosystem, and introduces an exciting new option for the 8/16 application fields."

STM32C0 series has been mass produced and supplied, and enjoys the 10-year life guarantee of industrial products updated annually by Italian and French semiconductors. There are nine types of packaging, and various options are provided according to different requirements, such as easy to pick up and put, small and thin.

Technical supplementary information

The STM32C0 series newly launched by Italian Semiconductor allows designers to complete more work at a lower cost: the new MCU uses a compact and economical package with only one pair of external power supply pins, which frees up more I/O pins for applications and reduces the cost of bill of materials. In addition, on-board high-precision (1%) clock can save external clock components.

As a member of the STM32 product family, the STM32C0 device can be easily migrated to the STM32G0 series for developing projects with higher requirements and sharing the same pin layout.

STM32C0 series integrates the latest peripherals, including 1.7 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with 16-bit oversampling hardware, and multiple timers, including advanced control timers for motor control and other applications.

Based on the STM32 platform, the new MCU provides DMA (direct memory access) channel, which can improve the performance and energy efficiency of applications. The main frequency is up to 48MHz, the instruction throughput is 44 DMIPS, the CoreMark performance/energy efficiency test has achieved 114 points, and the power consumption in the operation mode is only 80 µ A/MHz.

The STM32C0 series allows designers to develop ecosystems using the highly respected STM32. At present, there is one STM32C0 Nucleo (NUCLEO-C031C6) low-cost development board and two STM32C0 exploration kits (STM32C0116-DK and STM32C0316-DK). Software resources include STM32CubeMX configuration tool, Microsoft Azure RTOS, and STM32CubeC0 package with hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and underlying library.
