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The Methods and Basic Principles of Electronic Component Insertion

The insertion regulations for electronic components should be clean, beautiful, and secure. At the same time, welding is convenient, which is conducive to heat removal during component welding. This article will summarize the relevant knowledge of component insertion. If you are interested in the content to be covered in this article, please continue reading.

The form of component insertion

1. Manual insertion

Manual plugs are mainly used for scientific research or small-scale production in two ways: one is to use all the components required for printed circuit boards, and the other is to choose the form of conveyor belts to complete the plug.

2. Automatic insertion

Automatic insertion selects an automatic insertion machine to complete the insertion. According to the position of the equipment on the printed board, the insertion of the automatic insertion machine is controlled by a pre programmed corresponding system. The plug-in clip of the insertion machine has an automatic bending structure, which can firmly fix the inserted components on the printed circuit board and improve the welding strength of the printed circuit board. The automatic insertion machine avoids misinsertion and leakage caused by manual insertion, ensures product quality, and improves production efficiency.

Principles of component insertion

1. The installation sequence should be allocated based on product advantages and enterprise equipment conditions. When manually inserting welding, mechanical fasteners such as radiators, power system brackets, and iron clips should be installed first, and then welding fasteners should be installed. Otherwise, the printed board will be subjected to stress and deformation during the mechanical tightening process, thereby damaging other installed components. When inserting and welding automatic industrial equipment, it is necessary to first install components with lower heights, such as circuit "jumpers" and resistors, and then install components with higher heights, such as radially (vertically) inserted capacitors, transistors, etc. Significant core components such as heat sinks, brackets, and iron clips, such as large integrated circuits and high-power devices, should be installed at the insertion end. It should be close to the welding process, which can not only prevent the first installation of components from obstructing the installation of components, but also prevent meaningful component losses caused by transmission device vibration.

2. The installation of each component should make the identification (color code or character identification such as value and accuracy) as much as possible upward or easy to identify the direction. Pay attention to the reading direction of the markings (from left to right or from top to bottom), which is conducive to visual inspection by inspectors; For standard installation components, try to ensure that the lengths of the wires on both sides are symmetrical, and place the components at the core of the two holes in a neat arrangement; Vertical installation of color ring resistors should have a consistent height. It is best to make the starting color ring upward to check for installation errors. The upper wire should not be too many to avoid short circuits with other components. Polar components should be inserted in the forward direction.

3. When vertically assembling components on a printed circuit board, the number of components per unit area is relatively large, making it suitable for products with small housing space and compact and concentrated components. However, the mechanical performance of vertical components is poor and their seismic resistance is weak. If the component is tilted, it may come into contact with adjacent components and cause a short circuit. Usually, the method of adding insulated plastic pipe sleeves is used to protect the wires. In the same electronic device, the color of the conduit for each wire of the imported component should be consistent to distinguish different electrical levels. Due to the manual control required for this assembly method, it will not be used for high-end electronic devices except for low-cost small civilian goods.

4. When mass producing electronic products in non system environments, manual installation of components and welding operations are generally carried out simultaneously. Firstly, install mechanical fixed components, weld heat-resistant components such as connectors, small transformers, resistors, capacitors, etc., and then assemble welding components, such as various semiconductor components and plastic packaging components.

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