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Analysis of the Causes of Rectifier Diode Breakdown

Rectifier diodes are a common electronic component mainly used to convert alternating current into direct current. During the use of rectifier diodes, penetration may sometimes occur, resulting in ineffective components. So, what is the reason for the penetration of rectifier diodes? This article will provide you with a detailed introduction.

1. Overvoltage: When the rectifier diode is working in the forward direction, its forward voltage is generally around 0.6V. If the forward voltage exceeds this range, it will cause the rectifier diode to penetrate. This situation usually occurs in situations of overvoltage in the circuit, such as high power supply voltage or high recoil voltage of inductive energy storage devices.

2. Overcurrent

When the rectifier diode operates in the forward direction, its forward current is generally within the rated range. If the positive current exceeds this range, it will cause the rectifier diode to penetrate. This usually occurs in overcurrent in the circuit, such as short circuits or loads.

3. The temperature is too high

The rectifier diode will generate a certain amount of heat during operation. If working for a long time or the ambient temperature is too high, the temperature of the rectifier diode may be too high, leading to penetration. In addition, if the rectifier diode has poor heat dissipation, it can also cause excessive temperature.

4. External factors

In addition to the above three reasons, the penetration of rectifier diodes may also be related to other factors such as interference signals and electrostatic discharge. Various factors may cause the rectifier diode to penetrate and then damage the components.

To prevent diode rectification penetration, the following measures can be taken:

When designing a circuit, appropriate rectifier diodes should be selected based on actual needs and the circuit structure should be reasonably designed.

When using rectifier diodes, attention should be paid to the range of their rated current and rated voltage to prevent them from exceeding the rated value.

When using rectifier diodes, attention should be paid to their heat removal to prevent excessive temperature.

When using rectifier diodes, factors such as interference with signals and electrostatic discharge should be avoided.

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